
Hi, I'm Peter Goodman.

Heavy lifting with McSema 2.0
A walk down memory lane
McSema: I'm liftin' it
Shin GRR: Make Fuzzing Fast Again
A fuzzer and a symbolic executor walk into a cloud
The Problem with Dynamic Program Analysis
PowerFL: Fuzzing VxWorks Embedded Systems (video).
At the Qualcomm Product Security Summit (QPSS 2019).
DeepState: Bringing vulnerability detection tools into the development lifecycle.
At the IEEE Cybersecurity Development Conference (IEEE SecDev 2018).
Lifting program binaries with McSema.
At the 9th International Summer School on Information Security and Protection (ISSISP 2018).
CYBERDYNE: Automatic bug-finding at scale (video).
PointsTo: Static Use-After-Free Detector for C/C++ (video).
At Empire Hacking in October 2015.
The Past, Present, and Future of Cyberdyne.
In Volume 16, Issue 2 of IEEE Security & Privacy.
DeepState: Symbolic Unit Testing for C and C++.
In the 1st Workshop on Binary Analysis Research (BAR 2018).
Behave or Be Watched: Debugging with Behavioral Watchpoints.
In the 9th Workshop on Hot Topics in Dependable Systems (HotDep 2013).
Modelling machine code semantics in C++ and Lifting machine code to LLVM bitcode. At CppCon 2018.
RaceSanitizer: Sampling for Data Races. In the 2015 LLVM Developer Meetup.
Granary: Comprehensive Kernel Module Instrumentation.
In the 10th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI 2012).
Protecting Kernels from Untrusted Modules using Dynamic Binary Instrumentation.
In the Seventeenth International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS 2012).
DeepState is Google Test-like framework for transparently augmenting C/C++ unit tests with symbolic execution and fuzzing.
Remill is a library for lifting of x86, amd64, and aarch64 machine code instructions to LLVM bitcode.
McSema 2.0 is a framework for lifting x86, amd64, and aarch64 program binaries to LLVM bitcode.
GRR is a high-throughput fuzzer that emulates DECREE binaries. GRR was the backbone of Cyberdyne, the bug-finding system of Trail of Bits' cyber reasoning system, which competeded in the DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge.
Granary is a kernel space dynamic binary translation framework. The main goal of Granary is to enable flexible and efficient instrumentation of Linux kernel modules, while imposing no overhead to non-module kernel code.
Grail+ is a set of command line tools for manipulating non-deterministic finite automata (NFAs), non-deterministic pushdown automata (PDAs), and context-free grammars (CFGs). Grail+ is built on top of the Formal Language Template Library (FLTL), a library for representing and symbolically manipulating CFGs, NFAs, and PDAs.